8 dic 2008

Espacios de Libertad - Mayra Barraza

Premio Príncipe Claus a Carlos Henríquez Consalvi Fundador y Director del Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen.

La holandesa Fundación Príncipe Claus galardona cada año a un selecto grupo de personas que han logrado a través de una destacada labor en alguna de las cuatro áreas que rigen sus políticas: Zonas de silencio (la ubicación y apertura de áreas de silencio cultural), Creación de Espacios de Libertad (la creación de santuarios culturales), Belleza en Contexto (el análisis de la belleza en diferentes entornos culturales) y Viviendo Juntos (el arte de la co-existencia).

Este año, entre los 11 galardonados ha sido premiado en el área de periodismo y memoria histórica Carlos Henríquez Consalvi, venezolano radicado en El Salvador desde 1980, fundador y director del Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen. Aquí el texto completo de la Fundación Príncipe Claus en reconocimiento de la inagotable labor de Consalvi a favor de la memoria y la justicia:

Carlos Henríquez Consalvi is the founder and director of the Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (Museum of the Word and the Image), which is committed to the investigation, preservation and public exhibition of elements of El Salvador’s culture and history. A journalist and broadcaster, Henríquez Consalvi was born in Venezuela and spent part of his youth in exile in Mexico and Costa Rica. During the 1970s he worked in Nicaragua, doing historical research and writing editorials promoting human rights. He moved to El Salvador in 1980 to set up Radio Venceremos, an underground broadcasting network to counterbalance decades of dictatorship. Despite extremely difficult war conditions, Henríquez Consalvi’s work preserved an area of freedom of speech. Following peace agreements in 1992, Henríquez Consalvi motivated people to document their experiences, establishing the Museum of the Word and the Image in 1996 as a public platform for this unique collection of testimonies, historical film & photos, and civil war items. Through its activities, the museum calls attention to the role of memory and non-official histories in promoting human rights, social justice and peace.
Carlos Henríquez Consalvi is awarded for his outstanding work as a journalist, for creating spaces of freedom, and for his commitment to the promotion of memory and its active role in the reconstruction of Salvadoran society.

Desde este modesto espacio celebramos con Carlos y todos aquellos muchos que admiramos y agradecemos su entrega, ¡por la memoria, la justicia y la libertad!